April '83--Jan. '09 Prepress Technician/Layout Director, Community Newspaper Company (division of Gatehouse Media New England), Needham, MA. Responsible for ad layout and editorial density for 12 weekly newspapers, including various editions of The Tab, The Wellesley Townsman, The Needham Times, and Boston Homes. Involved with all aspects of production of these pubs, including complete pagination and PDF preparation for direct-to-plate printing. Before aquisition, initiated the computerization of the advertising and layout functions, allowing for The Tab's growth from two to 14 editions with no more than threefold increase in production staff. Member of team responsible for design of economical Macintosh-based production system featured at Seybold Conferences, which has grown to Gatehouse Media's publishing network in New England including 8 daily and over 125 weekly newspapers. This system allows for sales between any of our publications, and Miles futureProof layout to QuarkXpress electronic pagination. Responsible for web presence of CNC Metro Boston editorial photography. Work with three separate operating system environments: UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh.
Sept. '68--Present Freelance Designer, experience with a wide range of projects. Specialize in corporate identity, logo, web and publication design, film and video graphics. Work with QuarkXpress, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, After Effects and many other programs.
Sept. '81--April '86 Instructor, Newton Continuing Education,
Newton, MA. Taught course in typography and design.
June '82--March '83 Consulting Designer, Center for Learning
Technology, Education Development Center, Newton, MA. Responsible for
design of printed materials, computer software presentation and other products
for school, industrial, and consumer markets.
Sept. '80--Sept. '82 Art Director, Dimensional Analysis Project,
Cognitive Research Group, EDC. This project was funded by the National
Science Foundation to develop strategies for computer-aided instruction
in problem solving, using specially designed print materials and a computer
program called SemCalc. Helped develop and test this program and was responsible
for the design and production of program documentation, study and promotional
materials. Presented the paper "Print Materials, Graphics, and Microcomputers
in Mathematics Education" at the NSF/NIE Northeast Regional Conference
on "The Improvement of Mathematics Education Using Information Technology,"
July, '81.
July '74--Aug. '80 Art Director, Project TORQUE, EDC. Member
of the materials development staff of this educational research project.
Responsible for design and production of a wide variety of mathematics materials,
mostly bilingual, including booklets, tests, gameboards, posters and manipulables.
Supervised pasteup artists and typesetting personnel, and did computerized
pagination of complex test forms. In-house design facilities included headline
and text phototypesetters, photographic enlarger, process camera, and a
computer with plotter. Produced ultra-precise originals and plate-ready
negatives for metric measurement materials. Other activities included working
with elementary school students in the trial phase of research, teacher
training seminars, proposal writing, and the development of curriculum materials
and software for microcomputers (including AppleII & III, TRS-80, IBM
PC and HP-50 computer plotter)
July '73--March '76 Graphic Arts Specialist, Infinity Factory
TV show. Infinity Factory was aired nationally for two seasons on the
PBS Network. It presented concepts of mathematics to 8-11 year olds in an
entertaining way with wide cultural appeal. Responsible for design of printed
promotional literature and the development and production of supplementary
hands-on math materials. Also produced on-air graphics, props and animation.
July '72--July '73 Founding Art Director, The Real Paper,
Inc. Newspaper, Cambridge, MA. Responsible for editorial and advertising
graphic design.
Jan. '72--Feb. '72 Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Coordinated an Independent Activities Program entitled "The Perceiver
and His Environment." Organized by Dr. Richard Held (Psychology Dept.)
and Prof. Robert Pruesser (Architecture Dept.), the program explored relationships
between the two diciplines. An environmental structure was constructed which
included a stereoptic projection system for creating the illusion of three-dimensional
Sept. '71--July '72 Artist. The Cambridge Phoenix, Inc.
Newspaper. Advertising graphic design.
May '69--Sept. '71 Research Assistant, Neurophysiology Laboratory
(Dr. Howard Hermann) and Neuropsychology Laboratory (Dr. David Ingle),
Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA. Duties included
technical illustration, design and construction of lab apparatus, behavorial
testing, filming and film analysis, EEG recording, lab and office maintenance.
Sept. '68--April '69 Art and drama teacher, St. Elizabeth High
School, Oakland, Calif.
Straight Ahead Pictures, animated sequences for Fitness, produced by Laurie
Block, '90
Hill Holliday Connors Cosmopulos Agency, Boston, technical consulting and
three animated sequences for Boston Globe TV campaign, produced by Edward
Joyce, '84
Schmalenberger and Nargassans Agency, Boston, 32 animated sequences for
weekly update, Boston Herald-American TV campaign, produced by Edward Joyce,
'81-'82, 3rd Place, Best TV Campaign, Hatch Awards for Creative Excellence
in Advertising
Infinity Factory TV Show: Million Dots animated sequence, produced by William
Hansard, aired Make A Wish TV Show, '75; animated sequence in Toy Wars,
produced by Cary Lu, '76
Mystic Marine Life Aquarium, animated logo, produced by Cary Lu, '76
Animated sequence for Safety Factors in Laboratory Practice, produced by
Julian Olansky, '82.
Film Graphics:
Make Me a World 3 hour PBS special produced by Blackside Inc. `99
Rescue at Sea PBS American Experience produced by Ben Loeterman `99.
Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? A Frontline Report, aired Nov. 16, '93 on PBS,
produced by Ben Loeterman of Envision Productions Ltd., London
Make A Wish TV show, New York '75
Harvard Biology Laboratory, Cambridge, titles and rotoscoped graphics for
Response of a Drosophilia line to B-Ecdysone, '77
Committee to Elect Scott Harshbarger, Camb., graphics for TV spot, '78
Graphics and titles for The Autistic Child: A Behaviorial Approach, produced
by William Rose, '82.
World Monitor Magazine TV spot, '90.
Discovery TV show, supplementary graphics for show opening
Film Titles:
Filmmakers Collaborative, Yidl in the Middle: Growing Up Jewish in the Midwest,
Marlene Booth, producer '98
Filkela Films, She Lives to Ride, Alice Stone, producer '94
Liane Brandon Films, How to Prevent a Nuclear War, '87
The Jewish Daily Forward Film Project, Marlene Booth, producer, The Forward:
From Immigrants to Americans, '87
Workshop Films, Inc., Cambridge, Henry Felt, producer, A Blind Teacher in
the Public Schools, winner CINE Golden Eagle; I'm Still Searching, Stepparenting,
A Language to Share, Can't You Hear What I'm Saying
Still Point Films, Inc., Boston, The Encounter, '76
Modcomp Business Systems, Wilmington, MA, Meet the Computer, '77
St. Joseph's Community School, Roxbury, MA, We Learn From Love, '77
St. Vincent's Hospital Education Fund, Worcester, MA, Electrocoagulation
for Intraoral Cancer, '77
Case Western Reserve University, Topology Films Project, Zooms On Self-similar
Curves, Topology Filmstrip Series, '77
Central Studios, Cambridge, Our Time in the Garden, '81
Book Design and Production:
Guide to Newton's Resources and Opportunities, published by Newton Pride
Corporation, '95, '97, '99
Axial Mobility Exercise Program, published by Claude D. Pepper Older American's
Independence Center at Duke University, '93 (produced illustrations of exercises)
Bystander Emergency Aid, 2 vol., published by Massachusetts Association
of School Business Officials, `76 (illustrated)
Cape Verdeans in America, published by Tchuba, The American Committee for
Cape Verde, `77
A Guide to Newton Resources,published by Newton Pride Committee, 1996
Nutrition Training Manual Catalog for Health Professionals, Trainers and
Field Workers in Developing Countries, published by the International Nutrition
Communication Service, '78
Schenkman Books: Calamity in the Caribbean: Puerto Rico and the Bomb, `87;
Unravelling Social Policy, `89-'90
Thompson Island Middle School Curriculum, 4 vols., Thompson Island Education
Foundation, `80
Vocational Counseling for the Displaced Homemaker and Resource Guide for
Vocational Educators and Planners, Displaced Homemaker Project, `80
Newsletter Design:
Bit Bucket Computers
Computer and Laboratory Calculus Project
Critical Linkages II Newsletter
Educational Technology Center, Harvard University
Latin American Teaching Fellowships, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Informal Network for Technological and Educational Research
Melrose School Committee
Middle School Network
Route 128 Chapter, National Association of Accountants
Roxbury Children's Services
Sociologists for Women in Society
Tchuba, the American Committee for Cape Verde, Inc., Boston
Bank of Boston
Barker Steel Company
Cambridge Information Services
Cambridge Montessori School
Central Film Studios
Cognitive Research Group
Committee to Elect Scott Harshbarger
Committee to Elect Kathy Jones
Committee to Re-elect Mayor Theodore Mann
Computer Learning Connection
Computersite Engineering
Cristin White Associates
Cyborg Corportation
Donato Hardware
Filmtech Laboratories
Harborlight Studios
Insight Meditation Center
Institute for Advanced Dental Studies
International Higher Education Programs
Justice Resource Institute
Latin American Teaching Fellowships
Learning Design Associates
Learning Technologies Inc.
Lesley College, Cambridge
Massachusetts State Department of Economic Opportunity
MGH Institute of Health Professions
Microwire Products
Museum of Afro American History
Newton Childcare Fund
Newton Parks and Recreation Dept.
Newton Pride Corporation
Newton Symphony Orchestra
Newton Tricentennial Corporation
Peripheral Parts Support
Psychology Film Project, Northeastern University
Roxbury Children's Services
Sager Educational Enterprises
Schenkman Books
Spectrum Color Labs
Villers Foundation
Women Exhibiting in Boston (WEB)
Logo Design:
Abacus Alpha
The Ad Group
Applied Information Retrieval Systems
Barker Steel Company
Boston Baseball Cards
Boston Trading Group
Brookline T-Shirts
Cal Industries
California Grand Casino
Center for Reiki Healing
Church Press of New England
Computersite Engineering
Computerworld 2000 Exposition
Concord Radiator Works
Control and Informatics
Crisin White Associates
Dental Education Group
DuArt Film Laboratories
Edco-Lesley Teachers' Institute
Education Development Center
Educational Technology Center, Harvard University
Ethnic Heritage Resource Center
Frame Shop
Games & Gizmos
GNA Film Production
GT Shop
Health Systems Development
Heliotrope Studios
Internation Higher Education Programs
I-Witness Video Services
Keith Jacobson Photography
Latin American Teaching Fellowships
Learning Technologies Inc.
McKeon's Restaurant
Middle School Network
Melrose Place for Toys
Mental Health Systems
Meridian Software
Michaelangelo's Catering
Monitor Magazine, Newton
National Association of Accountants
Natural Sources Pharmaceutical Corporation
New England Graphic Services
New England School of Career Training
City of Newton
Onboard Products
Peripheral Parts Support
Performance Improvement Associates
Picture This Film Production
Pierce/Lamb Associates
Sable Technology Corporation
Sistemas y Controles S.A., Guatemala
Stephenson & Brown International
Tab Communications
Technical Education Resource Center
Technology Tool Corporation
Temptronic Corporation
Thompson Island Education Foundation
Toy World
Typotech Reprographics Services
Ultima Ltd. Motorworks
Video Utilities
Video Visuals
WBOS Radio
Club Zircon